Welcome to Infoshare Online!

Population statistics, immigration trends, socio-economic indicators, birth and death data, hospitalizations, local trade data, and much more. Infoshare Online is just what you need!
The Infoshare Community Information Service is a sophisticated tool that lets planners, community activists, teachers, students, researchers, and ordinary citizens view and analyze a vast array of community and regional data.
To see what your tables will look like, click here.
To download a two-page guide to Infoshare, click here. For a guide to mapping with Infoshare, click here.
Infoshare Online currently features data on New York City and New York State. If you would like to collaborate in adding information for other regions, please contact us.
You can explore these areas: | And gather data from these data sets: |
Infoshare Online includes over 3000 neighborhood definitions and 50,000 items of data gathered during the last decade on the neighborhoods of New York City and New York State. More are being added all the time.
With Infoshare Online's powerful interface and vast collection of data files, you can
- Profile a neighborhood of your choosing
- Compare neighborhoods across the city and the state
- Produce your own tabulations
Then print this data or save it for use in a variety of popular spreadsheet, presentation, and mapping programs.
Infoshare Online is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5 or later, or Firefox 2.0 or later.
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Copyright 2000 Infoshare Associates, LLC, and Paladin Consulting & Programming, Inc. |

News and Updates |
COVID-19 DATA by Zip Code NOW AVAILABLE. HEALTH STATUS INDICATORS - How does your neighborhood compare? Data from the CDC's 500 Cities Project. Take a look! 2014-2018 (5-yr average) SMALL-AREA CENSUS with MARGINS OF ERROR FROM THE AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY NOW AVAILABLE! The 2014-2018 (5-yr average) Census and, coming soon, the Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), is drawn from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS). It provides detailed data on race, ethnicity, income, poverty, occupation, schooling, ancestry, family structure, language,health insurance and more down to the census tract level (and Infoshare provides this data for zip codes, too!). For more information on this data, see the [Info] button associated with this data file. With the latest 5-year ACS data, we are providing, along with each data element in Modules 1 and 2, which contain the published Census tables, an estimate of the data element's Margin of Error (MOE). This will provide a measure of the accuracy with which this data element is known. We are using an approximate method of computing the MOE, so this feature is considered to be in "beta test" phase. We would welcome your comments on this feature. (See the FAQs for further details.) Note 1: Key Tables in the American Community Survey are displayed, to make it easier for you to find the data you want. But all the tables are available as well, if you want to see them. Note 2: For some data items in some geographic areas, no data will appear, This is because there were too few cases in the Census Bureau's sample to provide a reliable count. |